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Wahoo Fishing Season in Kauai


Aloha! This week in Kauai Deep Sea Sport Fishing action, we are going to talk about Wahoo Fishing seasons here in Kauai. While most mainland visitors are familiar with Wahoo’s, here in the islands we refer to them as Ono. Ono is the Hawaiian Word for DELICIOUS. So when is your best chance to catch an Ono in the Hawaiian Islands? Well the season is fast approaching. During the months of April and May the Ono show up in large numbers, especially around the full moons. So if you happen to be in Kauai in April and May, it never hurts to plan a fishing trip around the moon phases if you have the luxury. Ono can also be consistently caught throughout our summer months, and a little more rare in our winter months. We fish for Ono on the inside ledges, but we can also come across Deep Water Ono as well. If you want a chance at catching an Ono while visiting Kauai, then book your Deep Sea Fishing Charter online here on our website, We look forward to taking you fishing! Follow @KauaiGrander on Instagram to keep up with Kauai Sport Fishing action!

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